Research institute
  • Smiley face
  • Georgia
    Regional Conflicts (South Ossetia, Abkhazia)
    in Documents. Prehistory and Present
    1917 - 2011
  • Smiley face

Geo  Rus  


         :: The Legal Acts of the State Power Organs of Georgia   >>  
   >>   The Supreme Council of Georgian SSR. The Presidium of the Supreme Council of Georgian SSR
1961 1971 1978 1979 1980 1982 1989 1990
Law on budgetary rights of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia Autonomous Republics and of the local Soviets of People’s Deputie of the Georgian SSR, 27 December 1961.         
Law of Georgia on District Soviets of People‘s Deputies of the Georgian SSR, 9 December 1971.         
Law of the Georgian SSR on City and the City-District Soviets of Peoples Deputies of the Georgian SSR, 9 Desember1971.         
Constitution (Basic Law) of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia, 15 April 1978.         
Law of the Georgian SSR on the Council of Ministers of the Georgian SSR, 21 December 1978.         
Law of the Georgian SSR on Elections of Local Soviets of People’s Deputies of the Georgian SSR, 15 June 1979.         
Law of the Georgian SSR on Election of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, 15 June 1979.         
Law of Georgia on the Autonomous oblast of South Ossetia, 12 November 1980.         
Regulations on the rules of setting the issues related to the Administrative-territorial arrangement of the Georgian SSR, 17 March 1982.         
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR on introduction the changes in the laws of the Georgian SSR with status of the Autonomous Oblast of South Ossetia), 23 June 1982.         
Decree Issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia, Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR on the State Programme of the Georgian Language, 15 August 1989.         
The State Programme of the Georgian Language, 25 August 1989.         
Decree issued by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR on the Decisions made at the 12th Extraordinary Session of the Council of People’s Deputies of the 20th convocation of the AO of the South Ossetia, 16 November 1989.         
Decree iIsued by the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR on Conclusions of the Special Commission on Political and Legal Assessment of Violation of the Georgian - Russian Treaty of 7 May 1920, 18 November1989.         
Law of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia on Changes and Amendments to the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Georgian SSR, 18 November 1989.         
Resolution # 266 of the Supreme Council of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR) On Election of the Commission of the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR, Studying the Issues Related to the Status of the Autonomous District of South Ossetia, November 18, 1989.         
Decree Issued at the13th Extraordinary Session of the Supreme Council of the 11th Convocation of the Georgian SSR on Guaranties for Protection of State Sovereignty of Georgia, 9 March 1990.         
Decree issued by the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR on introduction of amendments to the decree issued by the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR on March 9, 1990 “Guaranties for Protection of State Sovereignty of Georgia”, 20 June 1990.         
Decree Issued by the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR on Creation of Legal Mechanism Aimed at Restoration of Independence of Georgia, 20 June 1990.         
Decree Issued by the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR on Evaluation of a Number of the USSR Laws, Based on Article 77 of the Georgian SSR, 20 June 1990.         
Decision Issued by the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR on Creation of Special Commission on Study the Issues in the Abkhaz ASSR, 26 July 1990.         
Decree Issued by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR on the Decision Taken by the Supreme Council of the Abkhaz ASSR, 26 August 1990.         
Decree Issued by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR on Decision Taken on 20 September 1990 by the Oblast Council of the Peoples’ Deputies of the Autonomous Oblast of the South Ossetia, 21 September 1990.         
    The Development of Webportal
  was funded (2005) by European
  Commission's Delegation to
  Georgia and Armenia
    The next updating (2008) of the
  website was financed by the
  OSCE Mission to Georgia
  The last updating of the website (2011)
was financed by the
  "Open society - Georgia" foundation
   Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia გრანტი #HE-22-239.
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Last update - October, 2011