Research institute
  • Smiley face
  • Georgia
    Regional Conflicts (South Ossetia, Abkhazia)
    in Documents. Prehistory and Present
    1917 - 2011
  • Smiley face

Geo  Rus  

NNLE - The Regionalism Research Institute

Non-entrepreneurial non-commercial legal entity (NNLE) - the Regionalism Research Institute is since 2012 a legal successor of Union - Regionalism Research Centre founded and registered in Tbilisi, Georgia, 2000.

The state registration number: 001167/12/0620

The Regionalism Research Institute, as the educational, scientific, research, expert and consulting agency has the strategic aim to encourage the process of development of the democratic, stable, rule of law state and of the civil society in Georgia.

This Institute within the frame of the study of problems of regionalism, self-governance, decentralization, territorial arrangement of districts and of the state is to collect the knowledge on these issues, expand it and support the following:

- access to the said knowledge through publication-distribution of the educational works, also through placing them in our website;

- raising the level of civic, political and legal education on the aforementioned problems among the public;

- public involvement in the process of dialogue, territorial conflict resolution, conflict prevention and restoration of the territorial integrity of the state, the openness and publicity of these processes;

- civic and inter-ethnic conciliation, process of the regional (provinces) and citizens’ integration, harmonization of interests of regions and the state, full participation of the regional population in the self-governance and in state management, accountability of elected authorities before the citizens, securing the fair elections through the monitoring;

- protection of the rights of IDPs and eco-migrants, their dignified settlement in the residential area and adaptation, their social rehabilitation;

improvement of transparency and democratization process in the regions;

- performing the consulting and expert activities on the aforementioned issues.

The General Assembly is the highest body of the Institute.

In the period between the General Assemblies, a Board, its Chairman elected for a period of four years and Director appointed by the Board, are the steering organs of the Institute.

The Board members: Salome Zviadadze, Ioramashvili Dachi, lola Saralidze, Anzor Sichinava, Ruslan Surmanidze.

The Chairman of the Board:

Tamaz Diasamidze (2000 - 2004);
Abesalom Aslanidze (2004 - 2005);
Lela Saralidze since 2006;
Director of the Institute:
Tamaz Diasamidze

From 2000, within the frame of research of regional conflicts in Georgia, the Organization has done

The Organization has done the following:

1. Preparation and publication of the edition:"Regional Conflicts in Georgia - the Autonomous Oblast of South Ossetia, the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia (1989-2001); The Collection of Political-Legal Acts" in Georgian-Russian Languages. Published in Tbilisi, in January 2002, A4 format, 430 p. The works were financed by the US Embassy in Tbilisi, Georgia;

2. Preparation and publication of the edition: "Regional Conflicts in Georgia - the Autonomous Oblast of South Ossetia, the Autonomous SS Republic of Abkhazia (1989-2002); The Collection of Political-Legal Acts", in English. Published in Tbilisi, in May 2003, A4 format, 302 pages. The works were financed by the "Open Society-Georgia" Foundation;

3. Creation of the website of the Organization and placing on it above mentioned books (in May 2003) financed by "Open Society-Georgia" Foundation;

4. Preparation and publication of the edition: "Status of Autonomous Regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia within Georgia (1917-1988). The Collection of Political-legal Acts", in Georgian-Russian languages. Published in Tbilisi, December 2004, A4 format, 410 pages. The works were financed by the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

5. Preparation and publication of the edition:"Status of Autonomous Regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia within Georgia (1917-1988). The Collection of Political-legal Acts" in English. Published in Tbilisi, in August 2005, A4 format, 246 p. The works were financed by the Delegation of the European Commission to Georgia and Armenia;

6. Preparation and publication of the edition: "Regional Conflicts in Georgia – Autonomous Oblast of South Ossetia, Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia (1989-2005). Collection of Political-Legal Acts", in Georgian, the second, completed edition. Published in Tbilisi, in August Tbilisi 2005, A4 format, 528 pages. The works were financed by the Delegation of European Commission to Georgia and Armenia;

7. Preparation and publication of the edition: "Regional Conflicts in Georgia – Autonomous Oblast of South Ossetia, Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia (1989-2005). Collection of Political-Legal Acts", in Russian, the second completed edition. Published in Tbilisi, 2005, A4 format, 536 pages. The works were financed by the Delegation of European Commission to Georgia and Armenia;

8. Creation of the website - "Regional Conflicts (South Ossetia, Abkhazia) in Documents. Prehistory and Present 1917 - 2008" and placing (2005) above mentioned books and about 3000 documents in internet. Creation of the website was financed by the Delegation of European Commission to Georgia and Armenia;

9. Preparation and publication of the edition:"Regional Conflicts in Georgia – Autonomous Oblast of South Ossetia, Autonomous SSR of Abkhazia (1989-2008). Collection of Political-Legal Acts", in English, the second updated edition. Published in Tbilisi, 2008, A4 format, 667 pages. The works were financed by the OSCE Mission in Georgia;

10. Preparation of the about 500 new documents on three languages and placing theirs on the Website, updating it (2008). The works were financed by the OSCE Mission in Georgia;

11. Preparation some 800 new documents on three languages and placing them on the Website, and updating them. The works were financed (2011) by "Open Society-Georgia" Foundation;

12. The local version (entire electronic version) of the website on the CD recorded, published and distributed. The works were financed (2011) by "Open Society-Georgia" Foundation.

The works of the "Regionalism Research Center" has been supported by the following donors:

● USA Embassy to Tbilisi, Georgia (2001 - 2002);

● "Open Society-Georgia" Foundation (2002 - 2003);

● The Department for International Development of United Kingdom (2003 - 2004);

● The Delegation of European Commission to Georgia and Armenia (2004 - 2005);

● The OSCE Mission to Georgia (2008);

● "Open Society-Georgia" Foundation (2011).

    The Development of Webportal
  was funded (2005) by European
  Commission's Delegation to
  Georgia and Armenia
    The next updating (2008) of the
  website was financed by the
  OSCE Mission to Georgia
  The last updating of the website (2011)
was financed by the
  "Open society - Georgia" foundation
   Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia გრანტი #HE-22-239.
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Last update - October, 2011