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  • Georgia
    Regional Conflicts (South Ossetia, Abkhazia)
    in Documents. Prehistory and Present
    1917 - 2011
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Geo  Rus  

Regional Conflicts (South Osetia, Abkhazia) in Documents
Prehistory and Present
1917 - 2011

The website has been functioning since 2003 where at the beginning there were electronic versions of only 3 books published in Georgian, Rusian and English with a free copyright. They were prepared within the framework of regional conflicts research in Georgia.

Since 2005 on the website, which is provided with search system, in the Georgian, Russian and English languages there are more than 4000 documents and electronic versions of 7 books published in the same languages, also with a free copyright

Website was filled with new documents and edition in 2008 and 2011.

They reflect:

a) the developed conflicts and their settlement process in autonomous regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia – Georgia in 1989-2011

b) prehistory of the conflicts – the creation of these autonomous regions within Georgia and their legal status in 1917-1988

The following documents are accordingly available on the web site:

1. Acts issued by the power bodies of autonomous regions, aimed at regionalization, political decentralization, cecession from the State with a view of further strengthening the sovereignty of these regions;

2. Acts issued by the Georgian Authorities and Governmental (state power) organs, aimed at strengthening the State sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia;

3. Decisions and resolutions made by neighboring States (the USSR, RSFSR, Russian Federation) and international and regional organizations (the UN, OSCE, Council of Europe, European Union, CIS);

4. Bilateral and multilateral agreements related to settlement of the conflicts;

5. Other important documents related to the aforementioned problems.

1. the Statutes and Constitutions of the Autonomous Regions;

2. interstate, state and republican agreements with regard of status of the autonomous regions;

3. the acts adopted by the organs of state authority of the autonomous regions, Georgia, North Caucasus Unions, Trans-Caucasus Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and of the USSR with regard of alteration of the status of these regions;

4. the Constitutions and laws of Georgia and of the USSR concerning the evolution of the status of autonomous regions;

5. other important documents.

Many documents have been subjected to minor abbreviations-emphasis has been put on those articles, chapters and paragraphs that most clearly and potently reflect the major goal of the problem and the essence of the documents themselves.

Despite the work done this is not yet a comprehensive and full collection of the materials (documents) about the problem.

Time to time the website will be updated with the documents not available now as well as with the new documents about the current situation.

From this point, we are ready for cooperation and will be glad to receive the proposals and comments from all sides.

The works for creation, loading and putting of the complete website on the internet (in 2005) were financed by the grant of the Delegation of European Commission in Georgia and Armenia.

The works of filling the website with new documents and edition was financed by the mission of OSCE in Georgia (2008) and “Open society - Georgia” foundation (2011).

The author of the website: Tamaz Diasamidze

Researcher: Lela Saralidze

Translaters and Editors: Nana Japaridze-Chkoidze, Salome Zviadadze, Irina Skhirtladze

Website program maintenance: Gela Pavliashvili and Saba Surmanidze

Computer maintenance: by Ruslan Surmanidze

Web Designer: Malkhaz Varshanidze

    The Development of Webportal
  was funded (2005) by European
  Commission's Delegation to
  Georgia and Armenia
    The next updating (2008) of the
  website was financed by the
  OSCE Mission to Georgia
  The last updating of the website (2011)
was financed by the
  "Open society - Georgia" foundation
   Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia გრანტი #HE-22-239.
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Last update - October, 2011