Author and Chief-editor: Tamaz Diasamidze
Reviewer: Academician Levan Aleksidze
Translator and Editor: Nana Japaridze-Chkoidze
Computer work provider: Ruslan Surmanidze
Jacket designer: Malkhaz Varshanidze
Collection was prepared and published through the grant provided by the Delegation of the
European Commission in Georgia and Armenia
We would like to express our gratitude to the Delegation of the European Commission in Georgia
and Armenia for funding the preparation and publishing of the Collection
We acknowledge assistance of collaborators of the Georgian Central State Archive of History,
Central State Latest History and Presidential Archives, National Library of Georgia rendered in
preparing this Collection
Collection was prepared, collected, bound and published by "Regionalism Research Center"
Book-jacket is designed after the book Book-jacket is designed after the book "Historic Atlas of Georgia in 1920-1921 Tbilisi, 2003"
" and Website /accord
Collection should be indicated while using materials
All rights reserved
Printed in Georgia. Publishing House "GCI Ltd."
ISBN 99940-831-2-0
Tbilisi september 2005