In this difficult time for our people I would like to appeal to You, as the developments between Ossetians and Georgians is not only the common disaster, it is also the personal tragedy for each of us.  Georgians and Ossetians, who have lived in peace and friendship on this land over the long period of time, now kill each other, fight against each-other under instigation of outside forces, because this war is the basis for somebody’s imperial ambitions.

Today the whole world is concerned with the situation in Tskhinvali, with the situation of both, Georgian and Ossetian refugees.  It will be shame if we fail to rebuild the peace and friendship through the common effort.  The first and foremost precondition for this would be the full disarmament of all illegal formations and handing the arms to the Ministry of Interior on the whole territory of Georgia.  Tskhinvali should not be exception – the armed formations must lay down the guns.  In turn we declare about absolute inviolability for those who voluntarily will lay down the arms and go back to the normal life.

Creation of legitimate authorities is another problem in Tskhinvali, i.e. existence of unlawful structures of the Oblast.  Tskhinvali will become the city of the republican subordination.  The all rights to the cultural autonomy will be retained for Ossetians, whatever they enjoyed within the Oblast.  These rights will be extended and strengthened under the Georgian legislation, but  under the pretext that all refugees will return back to Tskhinvali, Georgians and Ossetians will enjoy the equal rights, their inviolability, labour and peace will be secured on the whole territory of Shida Kartli.

Currently the new structures of governance – prefectures and municipalities – are being created in Georgia, and they should be created in Tskhinvali too.  It will prevent the city from anarchy, hunger and crime.  The prefect should be appointed in Tskhinvali, a person who enjoys the support of the majority of both, Georgian and Ossetian population.  It is also important to conduct the municipal elections and elect the people who enjoy the people’s trust.  I ask You to support the parliament in this endeavour.  It will make possible to restore the peace and stability in the nearest future.  

It will also help us to overcome the difficulties established in the course of strikes, protesting rallies, subversive acts, terror and crime.

Let’s pursue the common sense while it is not late, because such situation only favours to our enemies.

The Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia

The Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia  Z. Gamsakhurdia

Tbilisi, 4 March 1991

(Newspaper “Abkhazetis Khma” /Voice of Abkhazia/, # 40-41, 8-9 March 1991)