LAW on abolishment of the Gubernia
Councils of Peasants and the institution of
the Peace Mediators.
I. To
abolish since publication of this law: a) the Peasants Councils in Tbilisi and Kutaisi Gubernia; b) the
institution of Peace Mediators and their informants (interpreters) in Tbilisi
and Kutaisi Gubernia and
also in Zakatala and Sukhumi
II. Every former member of the Peasants’ Councils
and the servants of chancelleries, as well as the mediators and their
informants shall be retained at temporary posts in the basis of common rule.
III. The cases under the competence of
aforementioned mediators shall be transferred to the Commissars of relevant
districts and Gubernia for keeping and further
transfer to the organizations.
Chairman of the National Council of Georgia N.
Chairman of the Government of Georgia N. Zhordania
(Central State Historical Archive of Georgia,
f. 1836, desc. 1, file 85, p. 18)