LAW  Of  THE REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA on the Local self-government in the Transitional Period


Article 5. Local State Authority Organs

1. Prefect and the Office of Prefect

The prefect Office, under the leadership of Perfect shall be a Local State Authority Organ in regions and towns of the republican subordination …


Prefect shall be the highest official post in regions and towns of republican subordination. S/he shall be a guarantor of protection of the state interests and secure implementation of decisions taken by the higher state authorities of the Republic of Georgia.


Prefects to districts and towns that are subordinate to the Autonomous Republics shall be appointed and dismissed by the Presidium of Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia upon the proposal of Chairman of Autonomous Republic in close consultation with the Council of Ministers of Autonomous Republic and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Georgia.


Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia Z. Gamsakhurdia

29 January 1991

(Bulletin of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, 1991, # 1, p. 19-20)