DECREE ISSUED BY the Presidium of THE STATE COUNCIL OF THE REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA on Introduction of the State of Emergency on the Railway Transport

Attacks of the armed bands on the vitally important for the country transport system-the Railway -are still continuing. There are ever increasing facts of blockage, blowing up, and damage of transport communications, capture and pillage of railway vehicles and cargo, robbery of passengers, threatening the lives of people working in the railway system.  At the same time, we are especially concerned by the fact that citizens from some regions of Georgia are involved in these acts of vandalism carried out by armed gangs.

The measures, undertaken by the Railway Department and law-enforcement agencies are not sufficient to secure protection of the railway.  The Manifest issued by the State Council of the Republic of Georgia is not being implemented that regards implementation of special measures by law-enforcement agencies, city and local government officials to prevent subversive and terrorist acts and secure unimpeded operation of the railway and other means of transportation.

On the next day the Manifest was issued, plotters attacked freight train and wounded a conductor.  At the same day they stopped railway traffic in Poti.  On August 8 railway bridge was exploded in Chaladidi.  Tbilisi-Moscow and Tbilisi-Yerevan trains were stopped and robbed in Gali.  Several armed persons attacked freight train at Tsatkhvi-Inguri portion of railway and robbed the train.  At a station of Kheta armed people robbed two carriages of goods train; the same was repeated next day.

The damage inflicted as a result of the aforementioned criminal activities amounts nine billion rubles. National economy and citizens are deprived of essential food and goods.  It’s impossible to deliver to Abkhazia, Poti and Samegrelo region any kind of goods or supply, thereby further deteriorating the already difficult social-economic situation in the country and threatens the whole society with all-encompassing chaos and anarchy. The neighboring Republic of Armenia found itself in very unfavorable situation, and because of the current situation in the region, is left with no other option but to carry out cargo and passenger traffic through the Georgian railway.

In order to ensure security of traffic, restoration of legality and order and immediate normalization of the situation on the Georgian railway, the Presidium of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia decrees:

1. Pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the Rules of Procedure of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, to introduce the State of Emergency on the Georgian Railway on 15 August 1992 for the duration of one month.

2. To entrust the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Georgia and units of militarized protection of the Georgian Railway Department with a task of implementation of the State of Emergency.

3. The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Georgia shall mobilize and coordinate the efforts to eliminate the consequences of the state of emergency; for this purpose the Ministry of Defence shall set up operative headquarter led by the Minister of Defence.

4. Those armed forces authorized to implement the State of Emergency on the Georgian Railway, shall secure protection of trains, bridges, tunnels and other communications and objects, and accompany passenger and cargo vehicles. They shall preclude and root out attacks and other criminal activities directed against the railway transport.

8. This decree shall come into force immediately after it is signed.

Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia E. Shevardnadze

10 August 1992

(Abkhaz Issue in Official Documents, Legislative and Executive organs of Georgia, International Organizations, 1989-1999, part I, 1989-1995, authors: Vakhtang Kholbaia, Teimuraz Chakhrakia, Rafiel Gelantia, David Latsuzbaia, Tb., 2000, p. 78-80/in Georgian)