DECREE on changes and amendment to the Regulations on Arrangement of the Courts issued by the Central Executive Committee of Georgia

(Approved at the Second Session of the CEC of the third Convocation on 18 July 1925)

The Central Executive Committee of Georgia Decrees:

II. The Articles of the Regulations of the Court Arrangement 4, 14, 29, 30, 35, 37, 41, 44 (b), 49, 56,57, 58, 64, 72, 73, 74, 79, 80, 82(b), 83,84,86,99,103,104 (2), 111, 118, 129, 130, 132 (previous numeric number - 131), 138 (previous numeric number 135) and 139 (previous numeric number 136) shall be changed as follows:

Article 4. The authority of the District Court applies to the territory where the court is established.  The Court of the Oblast with cassation-revision competence acts in the capacity of the first instance court for the cases of special category specified for in the civil and criminal procedural code.

Note: The following Courts are operating on the territory of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia: a) District Court of East Georgia – within he borders of East Georgia and b) District Court of West Georgia – within the borders of West Georgia.

Article 14. The number of regions and the borders of the regions shall be determined by the Public Commissar of Justice upon agreement with the relevant executive committee and the District Court; the decision shall be approved by the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia.


To add to the Regulations sec. c of Article 2; Article 73; Article 86 and note, Article 101 and note, Article 127 and note, Articles 131,133,134 and 140.

Article 101.  The Chairman of the Supreme Court, Deputy Chairman and the members of the Panel shall be appointed by the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia at its own discretion; the other members shall be appointed upon submission by the Public Commissar of Justice.

Note: two members from the South Ossetian Autonomous Oblast shall be included in the Supreme Court; they shall be elected by the Central Executive Committee of the South Ossetian Autonomous Oblast and approved by the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the Georgian SSR.  The members elected from the South Ossetian Autonomous Oblast shall participate in the work of Cassation Panel while the cases regard the judgment of the Major Court of South Ossetian Autonomous Oblast or if a protest is lodged against judgments or rulings; There presence at the Panel’s sitting is obligatory if the case regards any affairs from the practice of this court, as well as of the cases specified for in Article 447 of the Criminal Procedural Code.

30 October 1925

Chairman of the Central Executive committee of Georgia Ph. Makharadze

Secretary of the Central Executive Committee of Georgia – S. Todria

(Messenger of the CEC and the Council of Public Commissars, N 21, 1925, p. 22-23; Collection of Decrees and Resolutions of the Workers and Peasants Government of Georgia, N 3, 1925, p. 22-23)