DECREE on assigning the loan of 4 000 000 roubles to Sukhumi city governance.

1. To assign from the state treasury the loan of four million (4 000 000) roubles at disposal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sukhumi City Governance with 3.5 percent of interest for the term of two years.

2. The amount specified for in Article 1 shall be repaid to the state treasury annually by Sukhumi City Governance from the day of issuing the loan through paying the equal portions of interests.

3. The loan provided under this Decree shall be recovered by the City Governance from the revenues obtained through the per-pound taxation.

4. This Decree shall come into force from the day it is adopted by the Constituent Assembly.

10 August 1920

Comrade of the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly Al. Lomtatidze

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Georgia Evg. Gegechkori

(Newspaper “Sakartvelos Respublika”, N 184, 17 August 1920)