DECREE on assigning 200 000 rubles as the scholarship for Muslim pupils of Georgia, as well as for the pupils of Abkhazia, Svaneti and other remote regions of Georgia

1. To assign two hundred thousand (200 000) roubles from the state treasury at disposal of the Minister of Public Education as the scholarship for Muslim pupils of Georgia, as well as for the pupils of Abkhazia, Svaneti and other remote regions of Georgia.

2. To entrust the Minister of Public Education with the task of elaborating the general rules and norms for distribution of scholarship mentioned in Article 1.

3. This Decree shall come into force after its adoption by the Constituent Assembly.

13 December 1919

The original is signed by:

Comrade of the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly of Georgia l. Lomtatidze

The Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Georgia N. Zhordania

(Collection of Laws and Decrees adopted by the Government, #22, 1920, p. 427)