DECREE ISSUED BY THE PARLIAMENT OF GEORGIA on Recognition of the Mandate of the Members of the Parliament of Georgia

Having discussed the motion of the Ad Hoc Mandate Commission of the Parliament of Georgia, the Parliament of Georgia decrees:

1. To recognize the mandate of 221 members of the Parliament of Georgia elected on 31 October, 7 and 14 November of 1999

2. In accordance with article 59 of the organic law of Georgia on “Elections to the Parliament of Georgia”, to endorse the mandate of members of Parliament elected from Abkhazia during the elections to the Parliament of Georgia in 1992. Within three month, the competent committee of the Parliament of Georgia must prepare draft resolution on the members of Parliament elected from Abkhazia. At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 52 of the Constitution of Georgia, to consider valid a draft resolution of the Parliament of Georgia issued on 10 September 1999 with regard to B.Kakubava -a member of the Parliament of Georgia.

3. This Decree shall come into effect immediately upon publication.

Chairman of the first Session of the newly elected Parliament of Georgia I. Kharatishvili

20 November 1999

(Newspaper “Sakartvelos Respublica”, #  # 316-317, November 21 1999)