RESOLUTION OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA on the District Election Commission of the No 669 Sukhumi Territorial Election District of the Election of the SSR Union’s People’s Deputies

In No 669 Sukhumi Territorial Election District of the Election of the SSR Union’s People’s Deputies has been assigned for the March 17, 1991, the elections of the SSR Union’s People’s Deputy, instead of the out gone deputy.

The examination, held by the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia, has determined that in the period of preparation for the elections, were committed serious violations of the requirements of the law On Election of the SSR Union’s People’s Deputies.

Namely, out of the 44 electoral precincts, examined on the territory of the town of Gagra, in 37 electoral commissions, there is no relevant documentation about the personal composition of the members, there are 14 thousands of extra ballots, given out to Gudauta District than it had been envisaged, in several districts, voters’ lists have not been filled properly, etc. These facts indicate that the District Election Commission has not been able to cope with the duties, provided by the law and this makes doubtful legitimacy of the results of the elections.

The Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia resolves:

1. To declare as abolished the resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia of January 25, 1991 on the composition of the District Election Commission of No 669 Sukhumi Territorial Election District of the Election of the SSR Union’s People’s Deputies.

2. The Central Election Commission on Election of the SSR Union’s People’s Deputies shall decide upon the issue of postponing of March 17, 1991 Elections to the other date in No 669 Sukhumi Territorial Election District.

The Chairman of the Supreme Council

of the Republic of Georgia Z. Gamsakhurdia.

Tbilisi, March 16, 1991.

(The Newspaper “Apkazetis Khma”, No 18, March 20, 1991)