DECREE ISSED BY THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA on Conscription of Draftees for the Service in the Interior Troops-National Guard in 1991

Pursuant to Article 61 of the Constitution of the Republic of Georgia and the law of the Republic of Georgia on the “Creation of Interior Troops-National Guard of the Republic of Georgia” adopted on 20 December 1990 and in order to secure organized conscription of draftees for mandatory military service, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia decrees:

1. To set up Republican Conscription Council that shall secure organized conscription of draftees to the Interior Troops-National Guard of the Republic of Georgia.

3. To entrust the Council of Minister of the Abkhaz ASSR and the Council of Minister of the Ajara ASSR with a task of setting up Conscription Councils in all regions and towns within their jurisdiction and involve representatives of Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health, other state organs and civil-political organizations in this process.


Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia Z. Gamsakhurdia

29 January  1991

(Bulletin of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, 1991, # 1, p 89-90)