The Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, having learnt the Decree issued by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 12 May 1991 ‘on the Resolution of the meeting of the People’s Deputies of Oblast, City, Rayon, Village and Community Soviets of the South Ossetian Autonomous Oblast ‘on Implementation of the Decree by the President of the USSR of 7.01.91 and the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 01.014.91’’ declares, that the aforementioned Decree issued by the supreme state authority of the USSR represents the attack on the territorial integrity of Georgia’s sovereign state. The territory of the former South Ossetian Autonomous Oblast is indivisible part of  the sovereign state of Georgia no one is authorized to discuss the issue on its attachment to another state.   The Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 12 May of 1991 runs counter to the Constitution of the USSR, the law of the USSR of 26 April of 1991 ‘on Separation of Authorities between the Subjects of the Federation and the USSR’,  Joint Declaration of the President of the USSR and of nine Union Republics, as well as to the documents relating to the new Union Treaty.

The document of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 12 May, regretfully, is adopted in a moment when the Trilateral Interparliamentary Commission has been established at the initiative of the Republic of Georgia  composed of the deputies of the USSR, as well as  the deputies of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR that shall elaborate proposals on regulating the conflicting situation on the territory of the former Autonomous oblast of South Ossetia.  The aforementioned Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR imposes the threat to realization of measures aimed at implementing the Decree of the Soviet of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 24 April 191.  It should be mentioned, that at that meeting, chaired by the Chairman of the Soviet of Nationalities R. Nishanov, ‘the consensus’ has been reached, which considered annulment of the illegal declaration of independence of the former autonomous oblast and participation of representatives of the South Ossetia in the work of joint commission composed of the deputies of the Supreme Soviets of the USSR, RSFSR and of the Republic of Georgia.  Therefore, the action of the deputy A. Chekhoev in the city of Tskhinvali shall be considered as a provocation and gross violation of the ethics and ignorance of the Decree of the Soviet of Nationalities. it also should be mentioned that The Supreme Soviet of the USSR, as the highest legislative body, hasn’t been authorized to consider the applications by the former deputies of the oblast, who, having declared unlawfully the Republic thereby moved out their authority.

The aforementioned Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR once again indicates that the leadership of the USSR, using all the means against the republics striving for independence, is ready even to encroach on the integrity of their territories.

The Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia expresses its firm protest against the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 12 May 1991 and considers it as an interference in the domestic affairs of Georgia that runs counter to the rules of International Law.  Continuation of such policy and attitude towards the Republic of Georgia may entail unpredictable consequences.  In this case the leadership of the Soviet Union shall take the burden of responsibility.

Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia A. Asatiani

Tbilisi, 14 May 1991

(Bulletin of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, 1990, # 5, p. 79-80)