STATEMENT OF THE PARLIAMENT OF GEORGIA  on the planed so called referendum 
elections of the separatist regime of Tskhnvali
8 April  2001

The Separatist regime of Tskhinvali intends to hold referendum within the controlled territory on the adoption of the constitution of the so-called republic of South Osetia on 8 April of 2001. 

The Parliament of Georgia declares that holding of so-called referendum in the region of Tskhnvali is illegal and directed against the territorial integrity of Georgia. According to the constitution of Georgia, article 74 paragraph 1, the power to fix referendum is wasted only within the competence of the president of Georgia

The Parliament of Georgia considers that the holding of referendum by the so-called South Osetia is nothing but the intention of the separatist regime of Tskhinvali to prevent the peaceful resolution of the conflict. 

The parliament of georgia calls upon the UN, OSCE, EU, EC the member states of CIS to give appropriate assessment to the planed so called Referendum in the region of Tskhinvali.

30. 03. 2001

(Archive of the Parliament of Georgia)