APPEAL of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia to the UN Secretary General, His Excellency Boutros-Boutros Ghali

The State Council of the Republic of Georgia brings to your attention the fact that on October 1, Abkhaz separatists together with hired terrorists from Russia’s North Caucasus carried out a large-scale attack against the town of Gagra with the purpose of getting an access to the Georgian-Russian border and separating Northern Abkhazia from the rest of Georgia. The aggressors are armed with the most up-to-date heavy tanks and other equipment adopted in the Russian army.

The Georgian armed forces, committed to the Moscow agreements, encountered the open aggression and were completed to retreat in the face of the superior enemy force exceeding them both in arms and numbers. The aggressors are killing civilians, looting and burning their houses.

It is quite obvious that the Abkhaz separatists act in cooperation with Russian reactionary forces, which is obvious from the resolutions of the Russian parliament adopted by the overwhelming majority of votes. The Parliament, acting against the Russian democratic forces led by President Boris Yeltsin, openly supports the armed incursion of the hired bandits aimed at separating Abkhazia from Georgia.

The State Council of the Republic of Georgia urges you to call a Security Council session in the shortest possible time in order to discuss the situation in Abkhazia, Georgia. Any delay may cause escalation of the conflict into a large-scale war and jeopardize peace and security in the Caucasus. The people of Georgia will not tolerate violation of the territorial integrity of their country and will do their utmost to protect the inviolability of its borders.

Tbilisi, 2 October, 1992

(Newspaper "Saqartvelos Respublika"/Republic of Georgia/ ## 201-202, 3 october 1992)