GENERAL REGULATIONS of the Public Commissariats of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia

(Approved by the Third Session of the CEC on 8-9 October 1924; went into force

on 12 January 1925)


6. The Decree issued by the Public Commissariat of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic may be suspended by the Central Executive Committees of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara and the Autonomous oblast of South Ossetia if the Decree runs counter to the Constitution of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia or its legislation or the legislation of the mentioned autonomous entities.  The central executive committee or Presidium of the autonomous entity shall promptly inform the Council of the Public Commissars of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia about suspension of the Order.

7. Every commissariat of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia, as well as the Supreme Council of the Public Economy shall lead the field under their respective competence; the issues relating to the state management on the whole territory of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic, as well as the relations with the commissariats of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara and Autonomous Oblast of South Ossetia shall be determined under the special Regulations.

(Messenger of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of Public Commissars of Georgia, N 1-2, 1925, p. 16-17)