RESOLUTION OF THE PRESIDIUM OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA on Merging the Gori city court and Gori District Court, abolishing Tskhinvali district court and creating Gori Court.

The presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia decrees:

1.  To create on the basis of Gory City court and Gori district court the Gori Court in order to establish unified system of the law enforcement bodies.

2.  In accordance with the law of the Republic of Georgia of 27 April 1991 “on Abolishing Tskhinvali and Kornisi Districts” to abolish Tskhinvali district court and to transfer its established posts to the Gori Court.

3.  The Gori Court shall consist of five judges.

4.  To entrust the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Georgia with the task of introducing the relevant changes in the staff for proper functioning of the Gori Court.

The Chairman of the Supreme

Council of the Republic of Georgia Akakiy Asatiani

Tbilisi, 11 June 1991

(Bulletins of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, # 6, 1991, p. 9)