RESOLUTION on adoption and application of the Constitution of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia adopted at the Third Session of the Georgian Soviets of the Third Convocation

In compliance with Article 5 of the Constitution of the Georgian SSR and Article 4 of the Constitution of the Trans-Caucasus SFSR, to approve and apply the changed and amended text of the Constitution of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia submitted by the Central Executive Committee of the Georgian SSR.

The text of the Constitution adopted by this session shall be submitted to the Forth Congress of Georgian Soviets.

The Central Executive Committee of the Abkhaz SSR shall deliberate the Constitution of the Abkhaz SSR in accordance to the principles that are envisaged in the Constitution of the Georgian SSR.

Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of Georgia Ph. Makharadze

Secretary of the Central Executive Committee of Georgia S. Todria

5 July 1926

(The Collection of the Constitutional Acts of the Georgian SSR. (1921-1978). Tbilisi, 1983, p. 97-98)