RESOLUTION OF THE PARLIAMENT OF GEORGIA On the Unlawful Misappropriation of State Property and Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons’ Private Property in Abkhazia

The Parliament of Georgia states that:

The armed conflict of 1992-1993 in Abkhazia caused the greatest human tragedy and considerable economic damage to the country. The respective financial-economic bodies of the executive power of Georgia defined that as a result of military activities the property evaluated by tens of billions in US dollars has been destroyed;

After the military activities has stopped on whole territory of Abkhazia, especially in places settled by Georgians has been going on organized and arbitrary settlement in the houses and flats of refugees IDPs, the misappropriation of their real and movable property;

In order to obtain faros and non-faros metals the armed groups created by Abkhaz separatist government destroy buildings and facilities, factories, plants, state institutions, railways and motorway bridges, TV communication and electric devises;

In 1997 the separatist government started the illegal privatization of property on the territory of Abkhazia. As a result, more than thousand facilities had been privatized till 2001. The misappropriation of IDPs and refugees’ private property was especially widespread;

Citizens and legal entities of different counties received the hotels, resort and other facilities in Sukhumi, Gagra, Pitsunda and New-Athony, in the districts of Gudauta, Gulripshi and Ochamchire.

Taking into consideration the abovementioned the Parliament of Georgia decrees:

1. All the civil-legal transactions, concluded from 14 August 1992 regarding the appropriation of state property and refugees and Internally displaced persons’ private property in Abkhazia must be considered unlawful.

2. To apply to the respective bodies of the UN, OSCE and other international organizations to register the facts of misappropriation of state property and refugees and internally displaced persons’ private property conducted by the separatist government of Abkhazia and to work out appropriate suggestions.

3. The executive power of Georgia along with the legitimate government of Abkhazia, with participation of the UN, OSCE, Council of Europe and other international organizations should work out the measures for the restoration of refugees and IDP’s property rights.

4. The law enforcement bodies of Georgia should study the cases of misappropriation of state property and refugees and internally displaced persons’ private property conducted by the separatist government of Abkhazia.

5. To inform the states the citizens and legal entities of which conduct trade and enterpreneurial transactions with separatist government of Abkhazia that all transaction of the separatist government are illegal.

6. In order to control the implementation of this resolution the Parliament of Georgia of the must recceive on periodic basis the respective information from the executive power.

 The Chair of the Parliament of Georgia Nino Burjanadze

20 March 2002

(Newspaper “Sakartvelos Respublika”, # 69, 22 March  2002)