I. General Provisions

1. In case of breach of the normal public order, the extraordinary measures can be introduced in a form of special situation or the state of emergency.

2. The special situation can be introduced:

a) In case of counter-revolutionary encroachment upon the workers and peasants government or its certain representatives, or if there is a threat of such actions.

b) In case of frequent infringement of the individuals and the citizens’ property

c) In case of breach of normal life due to the calamities;

d) As a provisional measure for restoration of public order on the territories, this has been under the state of emergency;

3. The State of Emergency can be introduced:

a) In cases provided for in Article 2 if the measures taken on the basis of special situation fail to protect and restore the revolutionary order;

b) If certain territory becomes the place of military operations or has special importance for military purposes;

4.  The introduction of special measures for protecting the revolutionary order shall be considered valid from the moment of announcing the Decree issued by the relevant organ through publishing in the local newspaper or posting the official announcement in many places.  The exact term of introduction of the special measures shall be pointed out in the announcement.

5. After removing the extraordinary measures introduced in the course of special situation or the state of emergency, validity of all of the decrees or instructions issued by the competent organ shall be terminated without adopting of any special resolution.

II. Extraordinary Situation

6. Extraordinary Situation shall be introduced on the basis of the Decree issued by the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of Georgia upon submission of the Council of Public Commissars of the Georgian SSR or the central executive committees of the Union SSR of Abkhazia, Autonomous SSR of Adjara and Autonomous oblast of South Ossetia.

7. The central executive committees of the Abkhaz SSR, Autonomous SSR of Adjara and the Autonomous Oblast of South Ossetia, as well as the District and Regional executive committees and their presidiums are entitled to introduce the special situation in the following cases: a) if there is no possibility to communicate to the central power, or b) if the immediate measures are necessary and calls for the introduction of special situation is inevitable.

The central executive committees of the aforementioned republics and autonomous oblast shall inform promptly the Council of Public Commissars of the Georgian SSR or the Central Executive Committee of Georgia about introducing the special measures.

8. The Decree shall state the exact place (republic, autonomous oblast, district, city) subject to the Extraordinary Situation.

9. The Extraordinary Situation shall be introduced no more then three-month term.  Extension of the term shall be carried out in accordance of rules specified for in Article 6.  Pre-term termination of the extraordinary situation shall be carried out on the basis of Decree issued by the Presidium of the central Executive Committee of Georgia.

10. In time of extraordinary situation the whole power under the competence of the District executive committee (in the places where such is not established – of the regional executive committees and in the Autonomous Oblast of South Ossetia – of the Central Executive committee) shall be taken by their Presidiums.

The respective presidiums shall decide the issue on convening the Executive Committees.

11. If the Extraordinary Situation is introduced on the whole territory of the District, the respective Presidium of the Central Executive Committee may appoint, upon submission of the Council of Public Commissars, the plenipotentiary representative to chair the Presidium of the District Executive Committee.

12. The Presidium of the district executive committee shall inform promptly the relevant Public Commissariat of Internal Affairs about the measures taken in the course of Extraordinary Situation.

III. Martial Law

15. The martial law on the territory that is not the theatre of war shall be introduced on the basis of Decree issued by the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.

The martial law may be introduced upon the Decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of Georgia on the very exceptional basis; such decision shall be promptly delivered to the presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the Trans-Caucasus of the USSR.

16. When: 1) there is no possibility to communicate to the central organs of the USSR, either to the central organs of Georgian SSR, or 2) the situation needs immediate interference – the central executive committees of the Abkhaz SSR, Autonomous SSR of Adjara and of the Autonomous Oblast of South Ossetia, as well as the District executive committees are authorized to introduce the martial law and deliver this decision for approval to the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR through the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of Georgia and the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the Trans-Caucasus.

17. The supreme power on the territory, which is the subject of introduction of the martial law, shall be given the military-revolutionary committees operating on the basis of Regulations approved by the Central Executive Committee of Georgia.


27 October 1929

(Central State Historical Archive of the Nearest Future of Georgia, f. 284, desc 1, file 1119, p. 415-420)