Appeal of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia to the United Nations Organization

The Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia is deeply concerned with the difficult situation in the mountain area of the Shida Kartli region resulting from the occupation and virtual annexation of the Democratic Republic of Georgia by Russia in 1921. We believe that the processes taking place in this historical part of Georgia have been instigated by forces seeking to create a new superpower on the territory of the former Soviet Union. This is the main obstacle that Georgia encounters on its way towards independence. The so-called Georgian-Ossetian conflict has political motives, which becomes clear from the deed of May 31, 1991 signed by the joint commission of the USSR, RSFSR and the Republic of Georgia.

The situation in this region has become extremely escalated lately as a result of activities of extremist forces. It is quite obvious that the empire aims to incorporate the part of the Georgian territory to the Autonomous Republic of North Ossetia, i.e. to Russia, in violation of the universally acknowledged international norms.

The Government, the President and the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia have always been and remains committed to peaceful resolution of this situation through political methods together with all those who can help to end violence in this region, restore the independence and protest the territorial integrity of the Republic of Georgia based on the principles of goodwill and justice.

The Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia appeals to you with the request for commissioning your representatives to study the situation on the ground.

The Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia

Tbilisi, 3 December, 1991.

(Bulletins of Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, 1991, # 12, pp. 38-39/Translation from Georgian)