THE UNION OF THE SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS on the economic relations between the
Article 2
possess, use and handle the land and other natural
resources in compliance with their interests and the interests of the
adopt the laws and other normative acts regulating the
conditions of the economic activities on the territory of the republic;
decide tax issues and perform budgetary activities;
regulate economic and social development on their
territories and elaborate the general decision on the economic development and
the ways for its realization;
regulate investment activity and conditions for the
construction on the territory of the republic;
regulate the prices in compliance with the
participate in the monetary flow; exercise the management of
the state bank activity;
perform foreign economic activity respecting the
obligations and commitments of the international treaties of the USSR and
agreements between the USSR and the republics; conduct border and coastal
trade, register the joint enterprises, international companies and
organizations, and encourage foreign economic activity of the enterprises and
organizations; form and manage currency reserves of the republic;
decide the issues of social development, employment of
the population, regulation of the income of the population; secure the minimum
wages established by the legislation of the
establish the norms of ecological protection and conduct
the activity for environmental protection on the territory of the republic;
issue licenses and restrictions on the activity of enterprises and
form the agencies for state management and determine
their function.
Article 3
3. Union and autonomous republics, in compliance
with the legislation of the
5. The agencies of the USSR, together with the
agencies of the union and autonomous republics establish the funds for the
regional development, reserves, innovations, environment protection and other
public funds in order to finance scientific, economic, social and other
programmes, as well as works on prevention and elimination of the natural
disasters, catastrophes and accidents.
6. The State Bank of the
Article 5
2. Union and autonomous republics are authorized
to establish in the capital city of the
Article 6
2. The supreme agencies of the state authority of
the republics may raise the issue before the Committee of Constitutional
Supervision regarding compliance of the legal acts of the state agencies and
the Government of the
3. The
union and autonomous republics have the right to address to the President of
4. The supreme agencies of the state management of
union and autonomous republics have the right to file the protest to the
Council of Ministers of the USSR on the acts issued by the agencies
subordinated the Council of Ministers of the USSR that contradict economic
interests of the republic. The Council of Ministers of the
5. The
dispute on economic issues between the government of the
Article 7
1. The laws of the
2. Autonomous oblasts and okrugs pursuant to the
legislation of the USSR on their respective territories possess, use and handle
the land, other natural resources and properties under their ownership.
3. Autonomous oblasts and okrugs: assure the
process of the social-economic development on their territories; independently
form and implement their budget; carry out the measures for strengthening the
fiscal base of the local self-governance; set and regulated the prices within
their competence; participate in determination of limits and norms of the use
of natural heritage on their territories; issue the licenses and restrictions
for enterprises pursuant to the legislation of the USSR and union republic;
conduct foreign economic activity; also manage the other issues within their
Article 8
3. When implementing the decisions adopted in
contradiction to the acting law without prior coordination with the union and
autonomous republics that damaged the interests of the republic, the governing
agencies of the
4. If the implementation of decisions of the union
and autonomous republic damages the legal interests of other republic or the
The President of the
(Bulletin of the Congress of the Peoples Deputies of
the USSR and the Supreme Council of the USSR, M., 1990, # 16, p. 334-340)