17 December 1918


the report by the Minister of Internal Affairs

About situation in Abkhazia


a) To submit to the Parliament the draft-Regulations on the elections of the  Abkhaz People’s Council amended upon the resolution of the Government of 10 December.  The community elections in Abkhazia shall be carried out on the basis of this Regulation.  Seventy five thousand (75 000) roubles shall be assigned from the 10-million fund for the purposes of both elections - fifty thousand (50 000) roubles for the elections of the people’s Council and twenty five thousand (25 000) roubles for community elections.  Both of elections shall be held at the same day, which will be determined by the government.

b) the Government shall issue the Appeal (Act) stating that Abkhazia has opportunity to have people’s representatives through whom it will be able to establish autonomous arrangement for its internal life.

c)  to return to Sukhumi City Self-Governance one hundred thousand (100 000) roubles as a payment of debt for food and horses taken by detachments and headquarters.  The other events shall be investigated by the special commission.

d) To assign on e hundred thousand (100 000) roubles from the credits of the Ministry of Roads for repairing the roads and bridges in Sukhumi.

e) The Ministry of Justice shall submit the conclusions within a week on the investigation of the special commission regarding the claims of Kodori dwellers on the damage caused by the misconduct of our detachments.

f) Due to the special circumstances to find necessary to appoint the second inspector on public schools.  The Ministry of public Education shall pay one-month salary to the newly appointed inspector and for future remuneration the relevant credit shall be open at the disposal of the Minister of Public Education.

g) To assign the credit of twenty thousand four hundred (20 400) roubles from the tem-million fund to the Minister of Internal Affairs to recover the credit spent in Sukhumi for fighting with epidemic diseases and for the sanitary needs. 

h) To create in Sukhumi the division of the committee on exchange of goods; the competence of the division shall be decided by the General Committee and the Commissar of Sukhumi Okrug.  The same Committee will be entitled to regulate the tobacco issue in Abkhazia too.

i) To entrust the Ministry of Trade and Industry with the task of restoring the postal communication within Sukhumi Okrug and between Poti, Ochamchire, Sukhumi, Gudauta, Gagra, Adler and Sochi using for this purpose the motor-launch.

Authentic with original – clerk (signed)

(Central State Historical Archive of Georgia, f. 1938, desc. 1, file 8, p.110-111)