DECREE ISSUED BY THE STATE COUNCIL OF THE REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA on Decree Issued on 10 August 1992 by the Presidium of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia on “ Introduction of the State of Emergency on the Railway Transport”

In order to assure the security of traffic, restoration of legality and order and immediate normalization of the situation along the Georgian railway, and based on Article 24 of the “Rules of Procedure of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia”, the State Council of the Republic of Georgia decrees:

1. To approve the decree issued on 10 August 1992 by the Presidium of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia on “Introduction of the State of Emergency on the Railway Transport”.

2. This decree shall come into force immediately after it is signed.

Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia E. Shevardnadze

Secretary of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia V. Goguadze

11 August 1992

(Collection of Normative Acts of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia, volume II, Tbilisi, 1995, p. 10)