DECREE on Changes and amendments to the Regulations of the Procurator’s Office (Procuracy) of the Georgian SSR adopted by the CEC and the Council of Public Commissars (CPC)

The Central Executive Committee and the Council of Public Commissars of the Georgian SSR decrees:

1. To add section (a) to Articles 10 and 11 to the Regulations of the Procurator’s Office of Georgia approved be the CEC and CPC of the Georgian SSR on 21 February 1930 (collection of the Laws of the Georgian SSR; 1930; N9; Art.72) with following wording:

10. The Prosecutor of the Georgian SSR shall:

a) supervise the observance of the Constitutions and legislations of the Georgian SSR, the USSR and the Trans-Caucasus SFSR, as well as the lawfulness of the decrees and resolutions adopted by the central executive committees and presidiums of the Abkhaz SSR, Autonomous SSR of Adjara and the Autonomous oblast of South Ossetia; the information about violation shall be delivered to the Presidium of the CEC of Georgia.

Article 11. The Procurator of the Georgian SSR is authorized:

a) to ask through the procurators of the Abkhaz SSR, Autonomous SSR of Adjara and the Autonomous Oblast of South Ossetia for the copies of the information and notifications, as well as of decisions, rulings, verdicts and conclusions on the certain cases being under the proceedings at the judiciary institutions of the aforementioned republics and oblast necessary for exercising the duties specified for in Article 9 and also,  when the Prosecutor deems necessary, the original case file, judgments and decisions on the cases that went into the legal force.

b) to propose to the prosecutors of the Abkhaz SSR, Autonomous SSR of Adjara and Autonomous Oblast of South Ossetia filing the protest to the superior organs, including the Presidiums of the relevant central executive committees against the decisions and instructions of the central and local organs of the mentioned republics and oblast if they contradict the constitution  of the Georgian SSR, legislation of the USSR, Trans-Caucasus SSR and the legislation that is in force on the whole territory of the Georgian SSR;

c) to suspend, through the Procurators of the Abkhaz SSR, Autonomous SSR of Adjara and the Autonomous Oblast of South Ossetia the implementation of decisions, verdicts, judgments and conclusions made by the judicial institutions of these republics and the oblast.

2. To change Article 12 of this Regulation as follows:

“The Procurator of the Georgian SSR shall annually submit to the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee the report on his activity, as well as of the subordinate procurators, including the procurators of the Abkhaz SSR, Autonomous SSR of Adjara and Autonomous Oblast of South Ossetia”.

Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of Georgia M. Tskhakaia

Deputy Chairman of the Council

of Public Commissars of the Georgian SSR G. Mgaloblishvili

Acting Secretary of the Central Executive Committee of Georgia T. Zhgenti

22 August 1930

(Collection of the laws and Decrees of the Workers and Peasants Government of the Georgian SSR, N 16, 1930, p. 531-532)