REGULATION On the JCC Special (Ad Hoc) Committee on
facilitation of the volunteer return of refugees and IDPs to the places of
their former inhabitance
1. The JCC ad hoc Committee (afterwards in the
text – Committee) is assigned for the practical realization of “Procedure of
the volunteer return of the volunteer return of refugees and IDPs, as a result
of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict, to the places of their former inhabitance”
(afterwards in the text – procedure), approved by the Joint Control Commission of
February 13, 1997 (Protocol No 7) and coordination of the sides’ efforts.
2. The committee in
its activities is guided by the acting legislation and normative legal acts,
norms of the International Law, decisions of the JCC, the present Statute and
is an accountable body to the JCC.
3. The committee
organizes its activity in cooperation with the respective bodies of the sides,
in cooperation with the OSCE and the UNHCR.
4. The major tasks
of the Committee are the following:
- organization of
the agreed measures of the practical realization of the Procedure;
- coordination of the sides’ activities on the
settlement of the problems, related to the volunteer return of refugees and
IDPs to the places of their former permanent inhabitance;
- elaboration of proposals on implementing of
the complex measures of return and reception of IDPs and refugees, adopted by
the sides;
- analysis of the information on the process of
- informing of the JCC on the realization of
- operational
introduction of the proposed programs of the international organizations’
programs on humanitarian assistance and information of JCC on this issue;
- providing practical assistance to the
refugees and IDPs on definition and compensation of material damages, in the frame
of the respective decisions of the sides;
- Providing for maximum facilitation to the
international humanitarian organizations in the frame of their mandate.
5. The committee is
entitled for the settlement of the posed tasks:
- to coordinate the
activity of respective bodies of the sides on the process of volunteer return
of refugees and IDPs;
- to demand and to
receive from the respective bodies of the sides the respective documents,
information and materials on the problems of refugees and IDPs in the defined
- To exchange the necessary information with
the OSCE and the UNHCR;
- To provide to the
refugees and to the IDPs of the legal assistance and support in the reception
of legal and expert counseling in the defined timeframe;
- To introduce to the JCC the proposals on the
draft documents, referring to the issues of refugees and IDPs.
6. In the composition of the Committee are
included minimum 2 representatives from the sides of the JCC, defined by the
In the work of the
Committee are participating the representatives of the OSCE and the UNHCR.
7. Committee is headed by the co-chairmen of the
sides. The meeting of the committee is con ducted by one of the co-chairmen.
8. The meeting of the Committee is taking pace
minimum once a month. At the end of each meeting the date, agenda and place of
the next meeting of the committee is defined. On request of one of the sides
maybe convened the special meeting of the committee.
9. The meeting of the committee is considered
as authorized if there are all the sides at it, The decisions are made on the
basis of consensus. The issues, which cannot be agreed by the sides, are
brought to the plenary session of the JCC.
10. There is
created a secretariat for the conducting of permanent organizational work of
the committee and providing liaison.
11. The Statute of the ad hoc committee is
enforced from the moment of its approval by the Joint Control Commission.
Changes and additions to the statute are introduced by the JCC.
On behalf of the
Georgian side (signed)
On behalf of the
South-Ossetian side (signed)
On behalf of the
Russian side (signed)
On behalf of the
North-Ossetian side (signed)
With participation
of the OSCE
of the UNHCR
September 26, 1997.
(Archive of the OSCE