DECREE ISSUED BY THE PARLIAMENT OF GEORGIA on Further Presence of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation deployed in the zone of Abkhaz Conflict under the Auspices of the Commonwealth of Independent States

The Parliament of Georgia notes that despite the all efforts undertaken by the Georgian Authorities, there is no tangible progress achieved neither in terms of return of refugees to their homes nor in terms of restoration of jurisdiction of Georgia in Abkhazia. Despite the decision taken on 28 March 1997 at the Summit of Head of States of CIS, the Peacekeeping forces of the Russian Federation, acting under the auspices of the Commonwealth of Independent States, failed to achieve any positive results at all.

The peacekeeping forces, in fact, carry out the functions of border guard, thereby, supporting and strengthening the separatist regime, which, in the hope of continuation of such support avoids to participate in the negotiation process in good faith and opposes to stage by stage return of refugees and internally displaced persons to their homes.

Appeal of the Council of Federation of State Duma of the Russian Federation to the President of the Russian Federation, requesting lifting of the economic sanctions is very telling indicator that Russian political forces do not want settlement of the conflict in Abkhazia through application of political clout of the Russian Federation. Taking into account the fact that economic and political sanctions against the Abkhaz separatist regime are last peaceful means to obtain consent of the separatist to participate in the peace negotiations, such a stance puts under question mark the perspectives of the peace process itself.

Disruption of peacekeeping mission carried out under the auspices of the Commonwealth of Independent States, non-implementation of the decision of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States of 29 March 1997 questions the effectiveness of this international organization.

Pursuant to decrees of the Parliament of Georgia of 17 April and 2 October, and the Concept adopted on 3 April 1997, as well as legislative initiative supported by signatures of more that 30 000 electors, according to which if the Russian Federation fails to take serious steps aimed at settlement of the conflict in Abkhazia, Georgia would be obliged to review the issue of prolongation of the mandate of the peace keeping forces.

Taking all the aforementioned into consideration and in order to protect sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia, the Parliament of Decrees:

If no progress is achieved by 31 June, 1997 in terms of peaceful settlement of the conflict:

To deem it not appropriate to use the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, acting under the auspices of the Commonwealth of Independent States, for carrying out peacekeeping operations in the zone of conflict in Abkhazia.

To ask the President of Georgia:

a) To secure elaboration and realization of mechanism of withdrawal from 1 August 1997 of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, deployed on the territory of Georgia and acting under the auspices of the Commonwealth of Independent States;

b) To work out an action plan aimed at maintenance of the cease-fire regime trough our own means and through the means of invited peacekeeping forces, after the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, deployed on the territory of Georgia and acting under the auspices of the Commonwealth of Independent States are withdrawn;

c) To secure the beginning of negotiation process with the Russian Federation on withdrawal of Russian troops from the conflict zone in Abkhazia, to activate efforts and secure participation of international organizations in terms of settlement of the aforementioned issues.

d) To set up a joint group of representatives of executive and legislative power, that will coordinate elaboration and implementation of legislative bases of the aforementioned issues.

2. To note that the President of Georgia put forward an issue on transfer to Georgia its share of the Black Sea Military Fleet and establish control over the implementation of this issue.

3. Until the negotiation process is completed, to ban any removal from the territory of Georgia of military machinery, equipment and other valuables of the Russian Federation.

4. To start immediate negotiations with the Russian Federation and countries of the Tashkent Agreement of 15 May 1992 on transfer to Georgia military equipment, which should be transferred by the agreed quotas.

5. To entrust the Ad hoc Commission on Abkhazia and the Committee on Defense and Security of the Parliament of Georgia and to this end, to organize monthly hearings of competent executive bodies on the aforementioned issues.

Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia Z. Zhvania

30 May 1997

(Bulletin of the Parlament of Georgia, 1997, #  23-24, p. 2)