RESOLUTION OF THE PRESIDUM OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE NORTH-OSSETIAN SSR On priority measures for providing assistance to the refugees from Georgia

Having listened to and having discussed information of Biragov O. G., the first deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of the North-Ossetian SSR, “On priority measures for providing assistance to the refugees from Georgia”, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the North-Ossetian SSR resolves:

1. To consider as one of the priority tasks, providing assistance to the refugees from Georgia, especially in the autumn-winter period of 1991-1992, by the Presidium of the Supreme Council, the Council of Ministers, the city and the district councils and their executive bodies, ministries, state agencies, institutions and organizations of the republic.

2. The Council of Ministers of the North-Ossetian SSR, the city and the district councils and their executive bodies, along with the working group of the Supreme Council, shall take necessary measures till October 15 for preparation of facilities for residential purposes in autumn-winter period and for the settlement of refugees in them.

3. To oblige the republican council of trade unions, the Council on management of the resorts of the North-Ossetian SSR to find the possibility of temporary settlement of 900 refugees in the sanatoriums of “Karmadon” and “Redant”.

4. To apply to the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR to allocate to the North-Oseetian SSR for the year of 1991-1992 additional recourses of food and other products of the first need for supplying them to the refugees.

5. To apply to the Supreme Councils of the USSR and the RSFSR to expedite elaboration and adoption of the Law on refugees.

6. To approve the texts of appeal to the State Council of the USSR and to the President of the RSFSR, Eltsin B. N.

7. To endorse the plan of priority measures of providing assistance to the refugees from Georgia (It is publishes below).

8. To assign to the Minister of the public education of the republic, Metsaev E. M. to review the issue on special group from the vocational institution in Redant II.

9. The information on the implementation of this resolution must be listened to and discussed in November 1991 and in February 1992.

Chairman of the Supreme Council of the North-Ossetian SSR A. Galazov.

City of Vladikavkaz, September 13, 1991.

(Newspaper “The Sovietskaya Ossetia”, No 128, September 25, 1991.)