STATEMENT On the Results of the Meeting of Z. Zhvania and E. Kokoiti

November 5, 2004

On November 5, 2004, a meeting between Mr. Z. Zhvania and E. Kokoiti was organized in Sochi. At the meeting, the Russian Federation was represented by Mr. V. Loshchinin, the first Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Republic of North OssetiaAlania was represented by the state advisor to President of North OssetiaAlania, Mr. T. Kusov. Cochairmen of the JCC and the Head of the Mission of CSCE in Georgia also participated in the meeting. The representative from the European Commission was also invited to participate in the discussion of the economic issues.

In the course of the meeting, which was very constructive, the ideas about the settlement of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict were exchanged, including the future defusion of the critical situation and stabilizing the situation in the zone of the conflict and strengthening trust between the parties. The parties agreed that the strengthening of trust, demilitarization of the zone of conflict, safety guarantees and the implementation of economic programs will add additional impetus to future constructive negotiations between the parties with the purpose of full-scale political settlement of the conflict.

The participant of the meeting stated with anxiety and concern that as a result of recent armed confrontation in South Ossetia the peaceful process of the conflict settlement faced the real threat of failure. They expressed deep regret regarding the victims, including those among peaceful population.

The parties noted the decisive role of the negotiations within the framework of the JCC, direct contacts between the governments of the parties, as well as activities of the JPKF in ending the armed confrontation.

The participants of the meeting confirmed their support to exclusively peaceful methods of regulating relationship between the confronting parties, denouncing any forms of violence, including infringement on the rights of individuals due to their ethnic origin as the means of achieving political goals. The parties also declared about their support to fundamental documents signed within the framework of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement and which represent firm basis for negotiations on full-scale political regulation of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

Within the above-noted framework the parties agreed:

- to strictly fulfill the achieved agreement on ceasefire;

- for the purpose of gradual demilitarization of the zone of conflict, as the first step towards the success, to fully fulfill the decision of the JCC and complete withdrawal of armed formations remaining there by November 20, 2004, with the exception of the JPKF and law enforcement organs;

- by the same period, present for consideration by the JCC the agreements on the quantity of police subdivisions needed for keeping law and order, and specify the places of their dislocation;

- in future, not to dislocate armed formations and posts in the zone of conflict, without the agreement of the JCC;

- organize mutual cooperation between the law enforcement structure of the parties and take actions for renewing works of the joint Coordination Center;

- provide uninterrupted and safe transport communication along the Trans Caucasian highway and other roads in the zone of conflict, which connect inhabited localities, for unhampered movement of the population and cargo;

- the parties expressed  a desire to expand contacts on various levels, including the top (highest) political level, as well as meetings between parliamentarians and intelligentsia;

- at the nearest sessions of the JCC, consider concrete economic projects the realization of which represents mutual interest, and present the agreed [proposals, including for consideration by the OSCE and EC;

- carry out extraordinary session of the JCC for the purpose of taking control over the process of implementing the adopted decisions within the period of ten days;

The meeting participants positively evaluated the contribution of the OSCE to the peaceful resolution of the conflict, and EC – to economic rehabilitation of the region.

The parties marked the importance of the intermediary role of Russia with regard to peaceful resolution of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict within the shortest period of time.

November 5, 2004, Sochi

From Georgian Side:                                        

From South Ossetian Side:

In the Presence of Russia as the Intermediary

In the Presence of the OSCE

(Archive of the Staff of the State Minister of Georgia for Conflict Resolution Issues/in Russian)