DECISION OF THE JOINT CONTROL COMMISSION FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF THE GEORGIAN-OSSETIAN CONFLICT On measures for the resolution of the problem of refugees from internal districts of the Republic of Georgia who are now residing on territory of the Republic of North Ossetia

Moskow, 6 December 1994

Some 33.6 thousand refugees from internal districts of the Republic of Georgia, including 5.2 thousand pensioners, invalids and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, 9.2 thousand children of preschool and school age, have been registered on territory of the Republic of North Ossetia.

This category of refugees is special.  These people who took no part in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict and were even not related to the zone where it took place suffered violence or threats of violence and were forced to leave the places of their permanent residence.

Taking into account that the comprehensive resolution of the problem of the people who became refugees as a result of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict largely depends on the political normalization of relations between the Georgian and South Ossetian sides and understanding the need for urgent measures regarding the refugees from internal districts of the Republic of Georgia, and on the basis of the good will of the Georgian side, the Joint Control Commission decided:

1. To propose to the Georgian side to study in a month's time the authenticity of the lists of names of the refugees submitted by the North Ossetian side and to submit specified data before 1 February 1995 to the Migration Service of the Republic of North Ossetia.  The submission of the information shall be formalized by appropriate acts.

2. To create before 15 December 1994 a commission comprising representatives of the Russian, Georgian, and North Ossetian sides for the purpose of studying conditions in Ossetian villages and housing estates and terminate this work in two months time.

3. On the basis of the results of specifying the lists and studying housing estates, to consider at the February 1995 meeting of the Joint Control Commission the issue linked to the possible return of and provision of housing for refugees from internal districts of the Republic of Georgia.

4. For the purpose of a more efficient and objective consideration of the issues linked to the refugees from internal districts of the Republic of Georgia and in coordination with the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Federal Migration Service, a representative of the Migration Service of the Republic of North Ossetia will work at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Georgia.

On behalf of the Russian side                                        

On behalf of the Georgian side

On behalf of the South Ossetian side                                         

On behalf of the North Ossetian side

In the presence of the CSCE Mission

(Archive of the Staff of the State Minister of Georgia for Conflict Resolution Issues/in Russian)