Annex 1 To Protocol #2 of the JCC Session dated July 6, 1992

DECISION OF THE JOINT CONTROL COMMISSION (JCC) FOR THE GEORGIAN-OSSETIAN CONFLICT SETTLEMENT On establishment of the headquarters (staff) of joint forces for keeping law and order in the zone of conflict and approving of the composition of subdivisions for active service and securing the rear

1. For managing joint forces in the zone of conflict and resolving the issues of daily activities, the command of joint forces shall approve the structure, composition and equipment of the army.

2 shall be appointed as the head of the headquarters of joint forces.

3. The following persons shall be appointed as deputy heads of the headquarters of the joint forces:

From Georgia -

From Ossetia – A. P. Sysov, colonel in reserve;

4. Approve the headquarters in the following composition:

a) Head of the Operative Department – 1;

Officers of the Operative Department – 3;

Clerk-draftsman – 1;

Head of Communications – 1;

Group of combat management for communication with the aviation – 2;

Operative persons on duty – 4;

Head of reconnaissance (patrol) – 1;

Assistant to the Head of Reconnaissance – 1;

Clerk-typist of the headquarters – 1.

Head of engineering service – 1.

Total 21 persons

including 2 soldiers (sergeants).

b) For ensuring the activities of the headquarters, the following shall be available:

commandant platoon – 1;

tank platoon – 1;

communications platoon – 1.

5. Approve the composition, equipment and quantity of the above-noted subdivisions of joint forces in the zone of conflict presented by the Command of joint forces.

T. Kitovani, S. Shoygu, S. Khetagurov.

(Archive of the Staff of the State Minister of Georgia for Conflict Resolution Issues/in Russian)