Annex  To Protocol #10 of the JCC Session dated July 23, 1999

DECISION OF THE JOINT CONTROL COMMISSION (JCC) FOR THE GEORGIAN-OSSETIAN CONFLICT SETTLEMENT On establishment of the workgroup on settlement the problem of land-utilization on contiguous territories in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict

Taking into account the disagreement on the issues of land utilization on contiguous territories in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict, resolution of which requires participation of relevant government organs of the parties, the JCC recommends the Georgian and South Ossetian parties, with the participation of the JPKF ad the OSCE, to establish a workgroup for settlement of the problem of land utilization on contiguous territories in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

On behalf of the Russian side                             On behalf of the Georgian side

On behalf of the South Ossetian Side                  On behalf of the North Ossetian side

In the presence of:

the OSCE Mission

(Archive of the Staff of the State Minister of Georgia for Conflict Resolution Issues/in Russian)