Annex to Protocol # 40 of the JCC November 19-20, 2004, Vladikavkaz


Meetings of the authorized Co-chairmen of the JCC for the Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement (hereafter the “authorized cochairmen”) shall be organized on regular basis between the sessions of the JCC.

The authorized Co-chairmen, at their meetings, shall be guided by decisions and recommendations of the JCC and regularly inform Co-chairmen of the JCC about the performed works.

The following shall participate in meetings of the authorized cochairmen:

1. Representatives of the parties in the workgroup of the JCC on law enforcement organs and peacemaking forces;

2. Representatives of the parties in the workgroup of the JCC on economic issues;

3. Representatives of the parties in the ad hoc committee on refugees;

4. Representatives of the parties in the joint command of the JPKF;

5. Representatives of the Mission of the OSCE in Georgia.

Representatives of local administration shall be invited to the meeting. Representatives of the delegations of the European Commission in Georgia and representatives of UN in Georgia may attend meetings of the authorized cochairmen.

Chairman of meeting shall be commander of the JPKF.

Main Goals and Objectives of Meetings of Authorized Co-chairmen

- Monitoring over implementation of decision and recommendations of the JCC;

- Mutual cooperation with local administrative organs on the issues preventing conflicts on ethnical bases and developing the mechanisms for resolving the occurred problems;

- Keeping permanent contact with local organizations, collectives of citizens, organizing reception of individual persons on the issues of return of refugees, discussions thereof and, if possible, finding ways of resolving these issues at the session of the workgroup or the JCC;

- If needed, raising initiatives about calling of an extraordinary (special) session of the JCC;

- Attracting experts on concrete issues to the work.

Meetings of the authorized Co-chairmen shall be held twice a month, as necessary.

The venue of the meeting: Tskhinvali, Joint Headquarters of the JPKF.

(Archive of the Staff of the State Minister of Georgia for Conflict Resolution Issues/in Russian)