RESOLUTION OF THE PARLIAMENT OF GEORGIA on approving the preterm termination of the Martial law introduced under the Presidential Decree # 402 of 9 August 2008 “On Announcing the Martial Law and General Mobilization on the whole Territory of Georgia” and extended under the Presidential Decree # 408 of 23 August 2008 “On Extension of the Term of Validity of the Martial Law on the whole Territory of Georgia”

The Parliament of Georgia Decrees:

1.  According to article 62 of the Constitution of Georgia and article 3 (2) of the Law of Georgia “On the State of Emergency” to approve the submission of the President of Georgia on preterm termination of the Martial law introduced under the Presidential Decree # 402 of 9 August 2008 “On Announcing the Martial Law and General Mobilization on the whole Territory of Georgia” and extended under he  Presidential Decree # 408 of 23 August 2008 “On Extension of the Term of Validity of the Martial Law on the whole Territory of Georgia” from 4 September 2008.

2.  The Resolution shall come into effect upon its promulgation.

Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia David Bakradze

Tbilisi, 3 September 2008

(Archive of the Parliament of Georgia)