RESOLUTION OF THE PARLIAMENT OF GEORGIA Concerning the situation on the territory of Abkhazia

As Georgia has suffered itself from the tragic results of separatism, international terrorism and aggression during the last years, tenths of thousands of our compatriots have become the victims and hundreds of thousands of Abkhazia's inhabitants turned to internally displaced persons;  

As after deployment of Russian Peacekeepers under the auspices of the CIS to the conflict zone in Abkhazia in July 1994, ethnic cleansing of Georgians has not been stopped. It is confirmed that during this period more than 1700 persons were killed in security zone, Peacekeeping Forces committed numerous crimes against peaceful population. Abkhazia has become the territory without control, open for terrorists, drug and arms trafficking and organized crime. 

Absence of constructive approach from the side of Russia brought to the deadlock the adoption and discussion of the project on Abkhazia's status worked out by the UN and the representatives of Georgia's friend countries. 

As a result of biased and aggressive declarations of official Russia, directed towards Georgia has become a matter of concern, which is clear demonstration of double policy conducted by the leadership that itself continues broad-scale military operations in Chechnya in order to restore the territorial integrity of Russia; 

As a result of recent multiple bombing and violating of Georgia's air space it has become evident that Russia takes a role of the involved side in the conflict and the function of Peacekeeping Forces is limited to drawing "the border" and they are not the facilitators of the conflict settlement but rather its instigators. Deployment of additional military contingent and armaments in Abkhazia without the agreement of Georgian Government is another evidence of the aforementioned. 

As the Peacekeeping Forces of Russia acting under the auspices of the CIS failed to carry out their mission and encouraged the renewal of military activities on the territory of Abkhazia;  

Parliament of Georgia:

1.      Considers inexpedient further presence of the CIS Collective Peacekeeping Forces on the territory of Georgia.

2.      Offers to the President of Georgia:

a)      to implement the procedures of the Constitution of Georgia, its legislation and international law aimed at prompt and unconditional withdrawal of CIS Collective Peacekeeping Forces;

b)      Appeal to the UN, OSCE and to the governments of friendly countries to deploy international peacekeeping forces in conflict zone in order to substitute peacekeeping forces of Russian Federation; at the same time to increase the number of military observers and widen their mandate;

c)      to take all possible measures at his disposal to ensure prompt implementation of Istanbul Summit Resolutions; 

3.      Calls Executive Power of Georgia to take the appropriate measures in order to ensure security of the adjacent territory to the conflict zone.

4.      Though under the recognized international law the displaced population enjoys the right to return home using any means, the Parliament of Georgia reaffirms its adherence to the principle of peaceful resolution of the conflict in Abkhazia.

5.      Appeals to the population of Abkhazia, which had suffered austerities of fratricidal war, to the relatives of perished fighters both from Abkhaz and Georgian sides, also to those, who shall design the future of united Georgia and prevent the reiteration of the armed conflict.

6.      Calls the President of Georgia to intensify the efforts for continuation of peace talks with the Abkhaz side.

7.      Expresses the will of Georgian population and declares that it never accepts the breakaway of its historically indispensable part and peace and stability in Abkhazia will be ensured within the united Georgian state upon the final determination broad autonomy status of Abkhazia and return of IDP-s to their dwellings, which will serve as a solid basis for settlement Russian-Georgian relations.

8.      Expresses its readiness to intensify its consultations with Russian executive and legislative powers in order to prevent further tension between the two countries. 

Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia  Zurab Zhvania

Tbilisi, October 11, 2001.

(Archive of the Parliament of Georgia)