RESOLUTION on interpretation of section five, of paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the law of the Republic of Georgia ‘on the Local Self-governance in the Period of Transition’ ISSUED BY THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA

In accordance with section 5, of paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the law of Georgia “on Local Self-Governance in the period of Transition” adopted on 29 January of 1991, prefects of districts (rayons) and cities of republican (autonomous republic) subordination, upon the consent of the Council of Ministers of the autonomous Republic and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Georgia, shall be appointed and dismissed by the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia on the basis of recommendation of the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic.

Due to the fact that the relevant candidates have not been nominated in some districts of the autonomous republics and in the cities of republican (autonomous republic) subordination, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia decrees:

To explain to chairmen of the Supreme Council of Autonomous Republics that in case they fail to nominate a candidate to the position of perfect, agreed with the Council of Ministers of the autonomous republic and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Georgia, the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, upon agreement with the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Georgia submits to the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia a candidate to be appointed on the position of prefect of the district of the autonomous republic and city of the republican (autonomous republic) subordination.

Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia Z. Gamsakhurdia

Tbilisi, 27 February 1991.

(Bulletin of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, 1991, # 2, p. 102)