PROTOCOL OF NEGOTIATIONS on Georgian-Abkhaz Regulation

Moscow, 1 September 1995

On 30 August – 1 September the meetings within the frame of Georgian-Abkhaz Regulation were held in Moscow.

Georgian delegation was led by the personal representative of the Head of State of Georgia, the Ambassador of the Republic of Georgia to Moscow V. G. Lordkipanidze.  The Abkhaz delegation was led by the personal representative of the Abkahz authorities L. I. Lakerbaia.  The Russian mediators at the negotiation were presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs B. N. Pastukhov.

The sides got aquinted with the joint Statement on Georgian-Abkhaz negotiations made by the representative of the President of Russia and of the UN Secretary General, promulgated on August 29.  The Statement underlined the fact that the work was based on the draft Protocol on Georgian-Abkhaz Regulation agreed at the previous stage.

At the meeting on August 30 the both delegations demonstrated positive response toward this Statement made by A. A. Bolshakov and E. Brunner.

However, at the meeting on September 1 the Abkhaz delegation refused to continue negotiations on the basis of the aforementioned Protocol and declared that they would be ready to submit their proposals after two weeks.

Однако на заседании 1 сентября абхазская делегация отказалась вести переговоры на основе упомянутого проекта Протокола и заявила, что две недели спустя готова будет представить свои предложения.

V. G. Lordkipanidze (signed)

L. I. Lakerbaia (signed)

B. N. Pastukhov (signed)

(Personal archive of Vazha Lordkipanidze)