THE LAW OF GEORGIA on changes and amendments to the Constitution (the Supreme Law) of the Republic of Georgia

In view of the reorganization of the system of state power and of local authorities, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia decrees:

1. To introduce to the Constitution of the Republic of Georgia the following changes and amendments:


8. To word article 85 as follows:

“The Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, the Supreme Councils of the Abkhaz ASSR and the Adjara ASSR, the city, district, town, settlement and village sakrebulos (local council, interpreter’s note) form the system of representative authorities of the state power”.

9. In article 86:

To word part 1 as follows:

“The Supreme Council of Georgia, the Supreme Councils of the Abkhaz ASSR and Adjara ASSR shall be elected for a term of five years, and Sakrebulos – three years”.


In article 113:


“19) The Chairman of the Supreme Council of Georgia shall appoint and dismiss the prefect”;


22) To add to para 3 article 115 the following words: “and to the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia – to be appointed to the position of a deputy prefect”.


To word part 1 of article 128 as follows:

“The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Georgia shall be authorized within its competences to suspend the decrees and ordinances issued by the Councils of Ministers of the Autonomous Republics, also the ordinances and orders issued by the prefects”.

2. To word part 1 article 135 as follows:

“The Councils of Ministers of the Abkhaz ASSR and Adjara ASSR within their competences shall be authorized to suspend the ordinances and orders issued by the prefects”.


32. To word articles 145, 146, 147, 148, 149 and 150 as follows:

“Article 145.  In the district and in the city of republican subordination the prefecture, led by the prefect, is the body of state governance, and in the cities, communities, villages and settlements – Gamgeoba and Gamgebeli.

Article 146.  The prefect is the highest official in the districts and in the cities of republican subordination.

The prefect is accountable before the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, its Presidium and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Georgia, and Gemgeoba and Gamgebeli – before the Prefect of the relevant Sakrebulo.

The prefect’s term in office is four years.  One and the same person may be appointed as a prefect no more than two consecutive terms.


Article 149.  Prefect shall be authorized to abolish the acts of the relevant sakrebulo, also the acts of the subordinated local authorities, if they do not comply with the legislation of the Republic of Georgia.

Article 150.  The structure of the state government bodies and the rule for setting up the sub-divisions shall be determined by the laws of the Republic of Georgia and of the Autonomous Republics”.


II. This law shall come into effect upon its promulgation.

Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia Z. Gamsakhurdia

Tbilisi, 29 January 1991

(Bulletins of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, # 1, 1991, p. 28-33)