OF GEORGIA on changes and amendments to
the Constitution of the
The Supreme Council of the
To introduce to the Constitution of the
1. In article 104:
a) To word para 11 and 12 as follows:
“11) Determines the rule for
administrative-territorial settlement of the
“12) Approves the changes of borders of the
2. To
add to article 1214
paragraphs 101 and 102 with the following
“101) Creates the cities in the districts and the city districts; within its
competences determines the city subordination, changes the names of the cities
and the city districts, towns, villages and other settlements.”
“102) Approves the district division of the autonomous republics, also
creation of the cities and the city districts, changes of the city subordination,
naming or renaming of the cities and the city districts, also of other
The President of the
(Bulletins of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, # 5, 1991,
p. 74-75)