OF GEORGIA on changes and amendments in
the Constitution of the
The Supreme Council of the
To introduce to the Constitution of the
7. In article 72:
a) To word para 3 as follows:
“3) Deciding
the issues of the national-state arrangement of the Republic of Georgia;
changing and abolishing the autonomous formation, final decision on
establishment of the autonomous formation shall be made solely by the
nation-wide referendum of the Republic of Georgia (the referendum of the
Republic of Georgia);
“2) (…) shall elaborate and submit to the
Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia the forecast on the economic and
social development of the Republic of Georgia, the state budget of the Republic
of Georgia; shall take measures for securing the comprehensive economic and
social development of the Republic of Georgia, the autonomous republics, the
cities and districts of the republican subordination; the activities of
enterprises and agencies/organizations subordinate to the Republic of Georgia; shall
submit to the Supreme council of the Republic of Georgia the report on budget
Article 159. The
state budget of the
Article 160. The
separation of the revenues and expenditures between the state budget of the
Republic of Georgia, budgets of the autonomous republics and the budgets of the
cities and the districts of he republican subordination shall be determined by
the law of the Republic of Georgia on the Budgetary Rights of the Republic of
Georgia, the Autonomous Republics and the Local Authorities.
Chairman of the Supreme Council of the
(Bulletins of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, # 3, 1991,
p. 31-34)