GENERAL REGULATIONS of the Public Commissariats of the Georgian SSR

Chapter I

The Public Commissariats of the Georgian SSR


3. The Public Commissariats shall be entrusted with the following tasks:

7. The Central Executive Committees and Presidiums of the autonomous republics and autonomous oblast are authorized to suspend the Decree issued by the Public Commissariat of the Georgian SSR if this decree contradicts the current legislation.

The Central Executive Committee or its presidium of the autonomous republics or autonomous oblast shall promptly inform the Council of Public Commissars and the relevant Public Commissariat of the Georgian SSR about suspending the validity of the decree.

9. The Commissariats of Supply and Purchasing, Municipal Economy; Finances, Labour and the Workers and Peasant Inspectorate are authorized to exercise their functions on the whole of territory of the Georgian SSR.

The abovementioned Public Commissariats shall have the representatives in the autonomous republics and autonomous oblast, who are under the direct subordination to the respective commissariat.

10. The representative of the Public Commissariat of the Georgian SSR (Article 9, section 2) shall be nominated by the Public Commissariat or the CEC of the autonomous republics and autonomous oblast and approved by the Council of public Commissars of the Georgian SSR.  The relevant CEC of the autonomous republics or autonomous oblast shall express the view regarding the nominated candidate; it also shall be authorized to reject the designated candidate.

Note: the appointment of the deputies to the Representatives shall be carried out in accordance of the same rule as for Representatives.

11. The Representatives of the Public Commissariats (Article 9, section 2) shall attend the sessions of the CEC Presidiums of the autonomous republics and autonomous oblast with the deliberative vote.  The Representatives of the public Commissariats shall deliver the information regarding the activity of the public Commissariats to the CEC and Presidiums of the autonomous republics and autonomous oblast and report the relevant Public Commissariat, as well as the CEC of respective autonomous republic and autonomous oblast.

12. The Commissariats of Light Industry and the Agriculture shall exercise the management of their respective fields in the autonomous republics and autonomous oblast through the through the republican and oblast bodies arranged by the CEC of the autonomous republics and autonomous oblast in the filed of Light Industry and Agriculture.

13. Public Commissariats of the Light Industry and of the Agriculture of the Georgian SSR in relations with the republican and oblast bodies of the light industry and agriculture of the autonomous republics and autonomous oblast shall be authorized:

a) to give them instructions and tasks and carry out the control over the implementation of the given instructions and tasks;

b) to suspend, change and countermand the decrees, which contradict the legislation or directives of the USSR, Trans-Caucasus SFSR and Georgian SSR at the same time informing the CEC of the respective  autonomous republic or oblast; to file the protest to the Council of Public Commissars if such decree is issued by the CEC of the autonomous republics or oblast,

c) to establish the order and form of reporting;

d) to coordinate the arrangement of the mentioned organs, as well as of the local agencies in accordance with the established rules;

d) to elaborate the action plans;

e) to manage the funds of the mentioned branches in accordance with the established rules;

14. The Public Commissariats of Education, Health-Care and Social Protection of the Georgian SSR lead the relevant fields on the territory of the Georgian SSR that is not a part of the autonomous entities and exercise their functions on the whole territory of Georgia only in the sphere of general planning of the mentioned branches and in the sphere of issues that are regulated under the special decrees issued by the Soviet Central Executive Committee of Georgia or Council of the Public Commissars of the Georgian SSR.

Chapter II

The Public Commissars of Georgia

1. The Public Commissar shall be authorized to make a sole decision on the issues under the competence of the Public Commissariat and inform about this decision the Board, if such is established within the Public Commissariat.

The Public commissar shall have the exclusive authority:

d) to file the protest to the Council of Public Commissars of the Georgian SSR - in case of necessity with further submission to the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee - against the decrees issued by the CEC of the autonomous republics and autonomous oblast, district executive committees and city councils.

17 June 1932 

(Collection of Laws and Decrees issued by the Workers and Peasants Government of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia, N 19, 1932, p. 404-409)