DECREE # 965 ISSUED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA on Transferring the Sanatoriums, Recreation
Houses and Summer Cottages under former Soviet and Soviet-Republican Subordination to the State Chancellery of the
Government of the Republic of Georgia
In accordance with Resolution
‘on the Status of Enterprises, Organizations and Institutions under the Union
and Union-Republican Subordination Located on the Territory of Georgia’ of 15 September
1991 adopted by the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, the Government
of the Republic of Georgia decrees:
1. To transfer the
sanatoriums, recreation houses and summer cottages under former Soviet and
Soviet-Republican subordination, located on the territory of the
2. To entrust the Ministry of Economics,
Ministry of Finance and the State Committee of State Property Management with
the task of carrying out stock-taking of the property included in the
attachment and submit proposals for material-technical and financial supply of
the given sanatoriums, recreation houses and cottages.
Acting Chairman of the Government
- the
Prime Minister of the
Acting Head of State
of the Government of
Georgia K. Gelashvili
30 September 1992
(Decrees Issued by the Cabinet of Ministers of the
Republic of Georgia, Septemeber, Tb., 1992, p. 243)