RESOLUTION OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA on the status of military forces of the USSR in the Republic of Georgia

As the occupation and annexation of Georgia in February-March of 1921 was conducted by the armed aggressive power, which is present up to now on the territory of Georgia and as it is subordinate only to the leadership of the USSR, also taking into account the fact that the Supreme body of the state authority of the Republic of Georgia on 9 April 1991, on the basis of unanimous will of the people of Georgia, declared about the restoration of the state independence, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia decrees:

1.  The military troops of the USSR deployed on the territory of the Republic of Georgia shall be declared as the occupation armed force. 

2.  The Government of Georgia shall start negotiations with the USSR on withdrawal of the military forces of the USSR from the territory of the Republic of Georgia.

3.  The issue of immediate withdrawal of the Soviet armed forces from the territories of the Abkhaz ASSR and the former Ossetian Autonomous Oblast shall be raised before the USSR until the full withdrawal of the military troops of the USSR from the territory of the Republic of Georgia, as their presence and operation hampers the stabilization of situation in this region.

The chairman of the Supreme

Council of the Republic of Georgia Akakiy Asatiani

Tbilisi, 15 September 1991

(Bulletins of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, # 9, 1991, p. 17-18)