RESOLUTION OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA on state and governing bodies in Java District and in Tskhinvali

Due to emergency measures and devastating earthquake in Java district and in Tskhinvali there was a delay in creating the state and governing bodies - Sakrebulos and Prefectures.  Such development had a negative impact on the social conditions and on security of the population.  In these circumstances it is important to work out the local representative organs - Sakrebulos.

In order to normalize the existing situation, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia decrees:

1. To raise the issue before the President of the Republic of Georgia on appointing the prefects in Java district and in Tskhinvali.

2. To entrust the prefects of Java district and Tskhinvali with the task of establishing within the shortest period of time the prefecture’s structures and holding the elections of the local representative bodies – Sakrebulos.  

Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia Akakiy Asatiani

Tbilisi, 2 August 1991

(Bulletins of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia, # 8, 1991, p. 77)