Informal Translation

Attachment 5 To the Protocol #26 of the JCC Of 9-10 February 2003

DECISION OF THE JOINT CONTROL COMMISSION FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF GEORGIAN-OSSETIAN CONFLICT On some organizational issues of the negotiation process on the settlement of Georgian-Ossetian conflict and their financial provision

10 February 2003, Tskhinvali

In accordance with the JCC Decision of 25 October 2001 (Attachment 1 to the Protocol #19)

The Joint Control Commission resolved:

1. To adopt the following approximate schedule for the JCC activities for the year 2003. To consider it expedient to hold within the mentioned period not less than:

- Four JCC sessions, hosted by the sides in the following turn: South Ossetian, Georgian, Russian, North Ossetian;

- Four meeting of the Working Group on Economic Issues;

- Three meetings of the ad hoc Committee on voluntary refugee and IDP return;

as well as meeting of other working bodies of the JCC, when appropriate.

2. To recommend the sides to hold in the year 2003, not less than two meetings of Expert Groups for the full-scale settlement of Georgian-Ossetian conflict;

3. To consider it expedient to preserve similar periodicity of the JCC sessions and Expert Groups for the year 2004 as well;

4. Taking into consideration the positive results achieved within the project on providing support for the JCC Georgian and South Ossetian parts and Expert Groups of the Georgian and South Ossetian sides, the term of which expires on 30 June 2003, the JCC Georgian and South Ossetian parts addressed the European Union with a request to prolong the funding of the mentioned project.

For The South Ossetian Side                 

For The Georgian Side

For The North Ossetian Side                 

For The Russian Side

In the presence

For The OSCE

For The European Commission

(Archive of the Staff of the State Minister of Georgia for Conflict Resolution Issues)