Annex 3 To Protocol #28 of the JCC Session dated June 23-25, 2003, Moscow

DECISION THE JCC FOR THE GEORGIAN-OSSETIAN CONFLICT SETTLEMENT On implementation off the decision of the JCC (Annex 2 to Protocol #27 dated May 14-16 of 2003 in Gori) “on Realization of the Rehabilitation Program of the European Commission”

Having heard the results of the consultative meeting on economic issues of South Ossetian and Georgian parties with the participation of the Mission of the OSCE in Georgia and the Delegation of the EC in Georgia pursuant to the Decision of the JCC dated May 14-16 of May 2003.

The JCC resolved:

1. Approve the list of draft program of the European Commission agreed on June 19, 2003 in Tbilisi in the amount of 1.3. Million Euro.

The European Commission confirms its readiness to start funding of the projects agreed on June 19, 2003 in Tbilisi.

2. The final decision on funding the projects on the remaining sum in the amount of 1.2 million Euro and the definition of their list shall be made on the basis of the preparatory meeting of the expert groups, which will be held in Tskhinvali no later than July 15, 2003.

On behalf of the Georgian side                          

On behalf of the South Ossetian side

On behalf of the Russian Side                                       

On behalf of the North Ossetian side

In participation of the OSCE

and the EC

(Archive of the Staff of the State Minister of Georgia for Conflict Resolution Issues/in Russian)