Annex 1 To Protocol #27 of  the JCC Session dated May 14-16, 2003, Gori

DECISION THE JCC FOR THE GEORGIAN-OSSETIAN CONFLICT SETTLEMENT On Actions To Be Taken For Realization Of The Agreement Between The Governments Of Russian Federation And Georgia On Mutual Cooperation And Rehabilitation Of Economy In The Zone Of The Georgian-Ossetian Conflict And Return Of Refuges Dated

December 23, 2000

Pursuant to the Agreement between the Governments of Russian Federation and Georgia on mutual cooperation in rehabilitation of economy in the zone of the Georgian—Ossetian conflict and return of refugees dated December 23, 2000, the JCC developed the objectives, basic directions and mechanisms for formation and realization of the inter-state Russian-Georgia programs on mutual cooperation in rehabilitation of economy in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

the JCC resolved:

For the purpose of resolving the decision made by the Russia-Georgia commission on the issues of economic cooperation at the 5th session dated July 5, 2002, assign the cochairmen of the JCC from Russian and Georgian sides to apply to the Governments of Russia and Georgia with the proposal, prior to July 1, 2003, establish inter-state Russian-Georgian organ for the development and realization of the Program.

Dee it expedient to appoint as a head of this inter-state organ Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Russian Federation and Deputy Minister of Economy, Industry and Trade of Georgia, and include it in the above-noted organ of the representatives of the following ministries and agencies:

From Russian Federation:

- Ministry of Economic Development and Trade;

- Ministry of Finance;

- Ministry of Energy;

- Ministry of Transport;

- Ministry of Communications and Information;

- State Committee of Construction and Housing;

- Ministry of Agriculture;

- Ministry of Natural resources.

From Georgia:

- Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade;

- Ministry of Finance;

- Ministry of Fuel ad Energy;

- Ministry of Transport and Communications;

- Ministry of Urbanization and Construction;

- Ministry of Agriculture and Food;

- Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources,

as well as representatives of ministries of Foreign Affairs and other concerned ministries and  agencies of Russian Federation and Georgia.

Take into account the participation in the work of the inter-state Russian-Georgian organ the authorized representatives if South Ossetia and North Ossetia.

2. Ask the Governments of Russian Federation and Georgia to consider in the state budgets for 2004 all necessary allocations for the activity of the inter-state Russian-Georgian organ for the development and realization of the Program on mutual cooperation in rehabilitation of economy in the zone of the Georgia-Ossetian conflict, and support attraction of budgetary and other sources for realization of the priority issues within the framework of this Program.

On behalf of the Georgian side                          

On behalf of the South Ossetian side

On behalf of the Russian Side                                       

On behalf of the North Ossetian side

In participation of the OSCE

and EC

(Archive of the Staff of the State Minister of Georgia for Conflict Resolution Issues/in Russian)