Research institute
  • Smiley face
  • Georgia
    Regional Conflicts (South Ossetia, Abkhazia)
    in Documents. Prehistory and Present
    1917 - 2011
  • Smiley face

Geo  Rus  


         :: The Legal Acts of the State Power Organs of Georgia   >>  
   >>   The National Council of Georgia. The Executive Committee of the National Council of Georgia
1918 1919
Extract from the Minutes # 30 of the sitting of the Executive Committee of the national Council of Georgia, 9 February 1918.         
Extract from the Gazette of the Executive Committee of the National Council of Georgia, 9 February 1918.         
Act of Independence of Georgia, 26 May 1918.         
Law on abolishment of the Gubernia Councils of Peasants and the institution of the Peace Mediators, 9 July 1918.         
Law on administrative positions at Gubernia, City and County Levels, 2 August 1918.         
Regulations on Military Obligations in the Republic of Georgia and Recruitment in the Regular Army, 20 August 1918.         
Law on Customs offices, 30 August 1918.         
Law on Representation of the National Minorities at the National Council of Georgia, 13 September 1918.         
Law on Nationalization of the Teaching Institute and the Seminaries, 13 September 1918.         
Regulations on the Interim Special Courts of the Republic, 20 September 1918.         
Law on the institution of the Mediating Judges, 24 September 1918.         
Law on the State Language of Georgia, 1 October 1918.         
Regulations of the Grand-Jury Court, 17 January 1919.         
    The Development of Webportal
  was funded (2005) by European
  Commission's Delegation to
  Georgia and Armenia
    The next updating (2008) of the
  website was financed by the
  OSCE Mission to Georgia
  The last updating of the website (2011)
was financed by the
  "Open society - Georgia" foundation
   Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia გრანტი #HE-22-239.
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Last update - October, 2011